Copper Star Home Medical Supplies Return Policy:
- Sales returns will be accepted in unopened packages, and in perfect sellable condition within 7 days of original purchase date.
- Customer must present the original copy of the receipt with the product to the store they purchased from.
- All returns are subject to a 25% restocking fee.
- Lift Chairs, Power Mobility, Oxygen Concentrators, and CPAP Machines may be returned within 1 business day as long of they are in new, perfect, unused condition.
- All returns will be charged a 25% restocking fee.
- All items that were special ordered for a customer are not returnable under any circumstance.
Returns are not allowed under any conditions for the following items:
- Items worn next to the skin
- Items used for sanitary or hygienic purposes
- Bathroom Safety items
- Any item that is Special Ordered for the customer. Special Orders are defined as follows: Any item the Company does not have on hand, or normally stock, and has to be ordered.
- Special order items require to be paid in full 100%, non-refundable payment due at the time of order.
- The customer agrees any item left for repair must be picked up within 7 days of being notified the repairs are complete. Items left longer than 7 days of notification are subject to a $25.00 per week storage fee. Items not picked up within 90 days will be considered abandoned and the Company will resell or dispose.
The Company maintains 24 hour availability by telephone. Qualified staff will be available to assist with equipment malfunction. Should a life threatening situation arise, it is suggested the customer or care giver dial 911 for professional emergency assistance. Twenty four hour advance notice is required is required for routine delivery service.
The routine delivery week is defined as Monday through Friday.
Patients wishing to express their dissatisfaction, concern, or comments with the Company’s service should contact the Company during business hours between 9:00AM and 4:00PM. Your comments will be fully reviewed and acted upon, as necessary, by the Company, or any of its employees. The customer retains the right to refuse any service ordered delivered to the by a healthcare professional.
It is understood the term for all rentals shall repeat on the daily, weekly, or monthly anniversary date of the original rental and proration of the rental is not available. The customer shall be responsible for notifying the Company of all changes in their medical status. (Revised oxygen liter flowrate, rehospitalization, change of address, etc.)
It is understood all patient’s personal information shall be kept strictly confidential by the Company.